Sunday, February 1

Please be Vegetarian, why? 11 reasons by Sri Swami Vishwananda

1) on how r being kill 4 it's about time the important of becoming

2) at your own as it very please spread it to all who eat that they can see the of in 's

3) From Farm To Fridge - Have mercy on animals please be Vegetarian as it heathy for u life n spirituality it keep illness away

4) I know it a bit this video but 1 must how it is 4 these poor how they suffer 4 satisfying need

5) No n no of will help in of like that u r not participating in the of it

6) that these could have been u in ur 's or of who u have n they end up on ur plate well before

7) Imagine That's how 70#billion are eaten every year by 's , ur n be free how u were originally

8) What we eat make us who we r ,as all is energy taking the n sadness of inside the body making the body weak n sick

9) God the body he didn't ask that the be made into a where of are being put into

10) It's scientifically proven that the human body is not make 2 eat meat Ex the arrangement of the teeth, our intestine,our brain activity ect

11) n make 1 n contrary to the food it make 1 n always moody

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